Short Courses
EuCAP 2007 Short Courses will be held on Sunday, 11 November 2007. Courses are either a morning course, afternoon course or full day course. There is an additional fee for Short Course registration.
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Short Course Registration Form
SC1 |
Antennas and Propagation for Body-Centric Wireless Communications |
Carrick Room 1 |
09:00 - 13:00 |
SC2 |
Small Antenna Design for UWB, Sensors, RFID tags and other Applications and their Performance Enhancement using EBG’s and Metamaterials |
Carrick Room 2 |
09:00 - 13:00 |
SC3 |
Uncertainty Analysis for Near-field Antenna Measurements |
Carrick Room 3 |
09:00 - 13:00 |
SC4 |
Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) in Modern Engineering Electromagnetics |
Harris Room 1 |
09:00 - 18:00 |
SC5 |
The FDTD Technique for EM Applications |
Harris Room 2 |
09:00 - 18:00 |
SC6 |
Dielectric Resonator Antennas, Theory, Design and Applications |
Ochil Room 3 |
09:00 - 13:00 |
SC7 |
Small, Smaller, and “Smallest” Antennas in Modern Wireless Communications: An Engineering Perspective |
Carrick Room 1 |
14:00 - 18:00 |
SC11 |
Rain, Cloud and Water Vapour Attenuation on Microwave Links |
Carrick Room 3 |
14:00 - 18:00 |
SC12 |
Reverberation Chamber for Characterizing Antennas and Mobile Terminals under Rayleigh Fading: Efficiency, TRP, TIS, AFS, diversity, MIMO, UWB |
Ochil Room 1 |
09:00 - 13:00 |
If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact the EuCAP 2007 Organisers at
SC1 - Antenna and Propagation for Body-Centric Wireless Communications
Dr Yang Hao, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Professor Peter Hall, University of Birmingham, UK
Carrick Room 1
09:00 - 13:00
Body-Centric Wireless Networks are seen to be a central component in the 4th generation communication systems. Such networks have distinctive features in comparison to other available wireless networks due to the rapid changes in communication channel behavior on the body during the network operation. This short course raises some important issues regarding antenna design and propagation channel characteristics, radio systems compatibility with such an environment and the effect that the human body has on these networks. Meanwhile, physical dimensions, directivity, mutual coupling and so on in antenna design, are classically constrained by the wavelength of the radiation involved. Combined with complex on-body channel characteristics, extra issues may be raised related to human body presence and movement, such as resonant frequency detuning in narrow band systems, signal dispersion and variable gain in UWB network etc. These topics represent research and design challenges in antenna system for future body-centric wireless networks and also form the premise of this short course.
The main topic/technical areas to be covered by this event:
- What are Body-Centric Wireless Communications?
- Electromagnetic Properties and Numerical Modeling of the Human Body
- On-Body Communication Channels at ISM, UWB and millimeterwave frequencies
- Wearable and Textile Antennas,
- Flexible Metamaterials for On-body Applications
- Antennas and Propagation for Telemedicine and Telecare including implantable devices
- Future Challenges and Industrial Applications
Instuctor’s Biography
Professor Yang Hao: joined QM as a Lecturer in 2000, was promoted to Reader in 2005 and to Professor of Antennas and Electromagnetics in 2007. He currently holds research grants worth over £1.3M from UK EPSRC, the Royal Society, the Leverhulme Trust and the industry. He has published over 200 technical papers. His work on metamaterials and body-centric wireless communications has been reported in the Engineer, Electronics Times, Environmental Engineering and Microwave Engineering. He initiated the first numerical modelling of on-body radio channel and associated system modelling at 2.4GHz and Ultra Wideband (UWB, 3.1-10.6 GHz). The work has drawn significant attention from multi-national industries including Philips, Samsung, GE Global Research and UK SME’s such as Toumaz Technology. In 2006, Professor Hao co-edited a book ‘Antenna and Propagation for Body-centric Wireless Network’, which is thought to be the first book in this subject area. Over the years, Professor Hao has served as an invited speaker, conference organiser and session chair at many international conferences. Professor Hao is a senior member of the IEEE, a member of the Executive Team of the IET Antennas and Propagation Professional Network and a member of Committee on New Technology Directions for IEEE AP-S. He is an associate editor for IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, and a guest editor for IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. He has been a keynote speaker at ANTEM 2005, France and ISAP 2007, Japan. In 2005, he received a CRUCIBLE award from the NESTA (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts), UK.
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SC2 - Small Antenna Design for UWB, Sensors, RFID tags and other Applications and their Performance Enhancement using EBG’s and Metamaterials
Anja Skrivervik, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Raj Mittra, Penn State University, USA
Carrick Room 2
09:00 - 13:00
Advent of new wireless devices and sensors have fueled a continuing trend toward the miniaturization of antenna size, and the challenges faced in designing these devices need to be met by innovations in antenna technology. As an example, modern cell phones routinely require antennas covering five bands or more, each band having stringent requirements with respect to bandwidth, efficiency and coupling. The design of such an antenna in a minimal space requires the right blend of high performance design strategies, appropriate simulation tools and adapted optimization schemes.
Recently, systems such as WiMAX, UWB, MIMO and RFID have instigated the development of new techniques for designing small antennas with enhanced performance. This workshop will focus on the design of small antennas for a wide variety of applications, including sensors, RFID and multiband antennas. State-of-the-art design solutions for practical applications will be presented, and practical issues such as integration of small antennas into their environment will be discussed.
Topics will include:
- Techniques for size reduction
- Bandwidth enhancement
- Multiband design
- Small antenna characterization
- Optimization techniques
- The use of metamaterials and EBG’s to enhance their performance
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SC3 - Uncertainty Analysis for Near-field Antenna Measurements
Allen Newell, Nearfield Systems Inc., USA
Carrick Room 3
09:00 - 13:00
This course will describe the NIST 18 term uncertainty analysis technique as it has been applied to planar, cylindrical and spherical near-field antenna measurements. The basic assumptions and foundation of the process will be described. Each of the 18 error terms will be defined along with the analysis, measurements or computer simulation that are used to estimate the uncertainty due to a single term.
Examples will be given for each of the terms as it applies to planar measurements and extended to cylindrical and spherical where possible.
Special techniques that apply only for cylindrical or spherical will also be demonstrated.
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SC4 - Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) in Modern Engineering Electromagnetics
Professor Yahya Rahmat-Samii, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Harris Room 1
09:00 - 18:00
Antenna designers are constantly challenged with the temptation to search for optimum solutions for complex electromagnetic device designs. The ever increasing advances in computational power have fueled this temptation. The well-known brute force design methodologies are systematically being replaced by the state-of-the-art optimization techniques. The ability of using numerical methods to accurately and efficiently characterizing the relative quality of a particular design has excited the EM engineers to apply stochastic global evolutionary optimizers (EO). EO techniques have been applied with growing applications to the design of electromagnetic systems of increasing complexity. The recent popularity experienced by EO methods is not unique to the field of electromagnetics; in fact, EO techniques have been successfully applied to problems in fields ranging from engineering to economics and artificial intelligence. Among various EO techniques, Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) have attracted considerable attention. These schemes are finding popularity within electromagnetic community as design tools and problem solvers because of their versatility and ability to optimize in complex multimodal search spaces applied to non-differentiable cost functions.
One of the aims of this course is to provide the participant with an up-to-date body of knowledge on the applications of GA and PSO techniques to the synthesis and optimization of electromagnetic systems.
Specifically, this course will focus on:
(a) engineering introduction to Genetic Algorithms by reviewing simple GAs and their standard terminology and operators (populations, parents, children, chromosome, selection, crossover, and mutation)
(b) engineering introduction to Particle Swarm Optimization by reviewing terminology and operators (agent, local best, global best, velocity, real and binary, boundary considerations, etc.)
(c) demonstration of potential applications of GA’s and PSO’s to a variety of electromagnetic engineering designs including microstrip antennas, multi-band and wideband antennas, synthesis of non-planar radar absorbing materials for RCS applications, Luneburg lens antenna design, array antennas, synthesis of reflector and horn antennas, design of electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structures, etc
(d) assessment of the advantages and the limitations of the techniques including discussions on single and multi objective approaches
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SC5 - The FDTD Technique for EM Applications
Atef Elsherbeni, The University of Mississippi, USA
Harris Room 2
09:00 - 18:00
This course will provide an overview of the finite difference time domain technique (FDTD) as applied to the design of antennas and microwave devices. Sample FDTD programs will be provided to the participants.
The course will cover:
- Basic formulation of time domain techniques
- Maxwell’s equations in Cartesian coordinates
- Difference approximations and Yee algorithm
- Total vs. scattered field formulation
- Numerical stability and dispersion
- Types of sources and waveforms
- Absorbing boundary conditions (PML and CPML)
- Plane wave excitation
- Thin wire approximation
- Near to far field transformation and RCS calculations
- Modeling of lumped elements (Resistors, Inductors, Capacitors, Diodes)
- Applications (microstrip antennas, slot antennas, crosstalk analysis in digital circuits, coplanar waveguide analysis, biological effects of hand held communication antennas)
Other topics to be provided as time permits:
- Dispersive analysis
- Analysis for Chiral media using Z-transforms
- Non-uniform grid and sub-cell FDTD formulations
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SC6 - Dielectric Resonator Antennas, Theory, Design and Applications
Ahmed A. Kishk, The University of Mississippi, USA
Ochil Room 3
09:00 - 13:00
Recently, interest in dielectric resonator antennas has increased because of their attractive features such as small size, high radiation efficiency (98%), wide bandwidth, and high power capability for radar applications and base stations. The dielectric resonator antenna is made from high dielectric constant materials and mounted on a ground plane or on a grounded dielectric substrate of lower permittivity. The short course will start by an overview for the development of the dielectric resonator antennas. The theory of operation will be discussed step by step to provide basic understanding. The discussion is provided in simple forms to satisfy audience of different background levels. Design curves will be provided for the circular disc and hemisphere dielectric resonators. Use of these models with other geometries is discussed.
Different excitation mechanisms are demonstrates such as the probe, slot, image line and waveguides. Applications of dielectric resonators in arrays are provided with discussion on the mutual coupling level and the wide scanning capabilities of the dielectric resonator antenna array. The array bandwidth limit is discussed based on the element size and the spacing between the array elements.
The problems related to the practical implementations are considered. Results of a numerical study pertaining to the effect of an air gap, between the dielectric disc and the ground plane or an air gap surrounding the feed probe, on the input impedance and resonant frequency of a cylindrical DRA operating in the TM01ä mode or HEM11ä mode as a function of dielectric constant will be presented. Some of the numerical results are validated experimentally.
Techniques for broadband applications are discussed. Some of the techniques are based on the material properties and some depends on the DRA shape. Several examples are provided. Some elements would provide a matching bandwidth over 40% with reflection coefficients better than –10dB for 50 Ohms ports. Finally, Techniques for size reduction of the DRA are presented to demonstrate the flexibility of the DRA to satisfy the required small size for some applications. The technique will result in small size and keeping wide bandwidth. The applications of the DRA for spatial power combiners are presented.
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SC7 - Small, Smaller, and “Smallest” Antennas in Modern Wireless Communications: An Engineering Perspective
Zhi Ning Chen, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Carrick Room 1
14:00 - 18:00
The successful penetration by wireless communication technologies consumer electronics devices has long spurred the demand of innovative technologies for miniaturized antennas. Recently, the new deployment of wireless systems such as WLAN, RFID, WiFi, WiMAX, UWB, and MIMO significantly boosted the research and development of small antennas with enhanced performance in both academic and industry communities. There have been many new designs and ideas applied in systems and/or published in a variety of journals and presented at conferences. Many claims showed smaller antennas than previous ones. The smaller designs seem not enough attractive for applications and publications. Some even claimed that they have designed the “world smallest” antennas in news.
This course aims to lecture the fundamentals of small antennas and share latest development of miniaturization technologies for small antenna design in modern wireless systems in an engineering point of view. The course will start with the fundamental issues related to small antennas, such as categorization and physical limitations. Then, the important technologies of miniaturizing antennas will be reviewed with physical explanations. The important part is to update the state-of-the-art technologies for the new applications with case studies such as antennas for portable devices in modern wireless communications, such as UWB, WLAN, WiFi, GSM, RFID, MIMO, and so on. One of new ground-independence technologies will be addressed and elaborated. Last, the comments on some claims of “new and smallest” designs with engineering perspectives are provided for open discussion.
This course is designed for both junior and senior antenna researchers and engineers with fundamental materials in design of miniaturized antennas and key issues related to philosophy of small antenna design.
Instuctor’s Biography
Dr Chen got his BEng, MEng, PhD, and DoE all in Electrical Engineering in China and Japan. He has taught and supervised students in universities for years. He is working in Institute for Infocomm Research as a Principal Scientist and Department Head. His R&D interest covers wireless systems, RF circuits, EM numerical methods, antenna theory and designs. Since 1999 he has paid much effort to miniaturization and broadband technologies in antenna designs for a variety of applications including laptops, handsets, implants, tags, readers, wireless USB dongles, access points, backhaul, and so on. Besides numerous publications with 190 papers and 3 books (Broadband Planar Antennas: Design and Applications Wiley 2006; Ultra Wideband Wireless Communication, Wiley 2006, Antennas for Portable Devices, Wiley 2007), Dr Chen is holding 15 pending, filed and granted patents. Some of them have been commercialized through more than 8 licensing agreements. Also, he is very active in antenna R&D community. He established International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT) ― a global antenna event in 2005, edits journals and special issues, as well as organizes many important international events.
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SC8 - Withdrawn
SC9 - Withdrawn
SC10 - Withdrawn
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SC11 - Rain, Cloud and Water Vapour Attenuation on Microwave Links
Ondrej Fiser, Ph.D., Institute of Atmospheric Physics (UFA), Czech Republic
Carrick Room 3
14:00 - 18:00
The sense of this course is to show the physical basis of rain attenuation deduction as well as to teach the course participants practical methods to compute rain, cloud and water vapour attenuation on microwave links for purposes of terrestrial as well as satellite link planning.
The main topic/technical areas to be covered by this event:
- Electrical properties of rain drops and rain volume
- Scattering of electromagnetic wave on single rain drop
- Deduction of formula to compute specific attenuation and phase delay due to rain
- Short description of rain depolarisation
- Models (prediction methods) for cumulative distribution (CD) of rain attenuation on microwave links
- Speciality of rain attenuation on satellite (slant) paths
- Practical computation of rain attenuation
- Overview of cloud and water vapour attenuation estimation
- Summary
Instructor’s Biography:
Ondrej Fiser, Ph.D., M.Sc., is an scientific researcher at the Czech Academy-Institute of Atmospheric Physics in Prague and a university teacher at the University of Pardubice specializing in the Radiowave Propagation, Theory of Electromagnetic Field and Radar Meteorology.
He graduated and title "Master of Electrical Engineering" was received in 1977, with his diploma work title: "Microstrip Resonator". He received his Ph.D. degree in 1986 with a thesis title: "Interaction of Electromagnetic Field with Rain Medium with Respect to Satellite Links Rain Attenuation Prediction"
His Senior lectureship thesis “Influence of Rain on Reliability of Radiocommunications“ defended at the University of Pardubice in 2004 and the title “Associate Professor“ was received.
Scientific - technical researcher at the PTT Research Institute (since 1993 TESTCOM ) in Prague - he worked within the Satellite Communication Laboratory (1978-1994)
Scientific researcher at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (dept.of Meteorology , since 1995)
Visiting lecturer on
(i) the "Electromagnetic Field Theory" at the Czech Technical University (since 1990)
(ii) the “Electrotechnique and Measurement“ at the Jan Perner Transport Faculty of the University of Pardubice (since 2002)
(iii) “English for the Telecommunications Industry" at the CZECH TELECOM (1993-1994)
(iv) Mathematics (private teaching)
Professional Interests:
** radiowave propagation through the atmosphere
** radar meteorology
and also radioclimatology, computer programming, teaching.
International projects:
Interkosmos, OPEX, PADRE, RADHYD,COST235, COST255, COST280
Language certificates:
English: Language Certificate from the Czech Inst. of Foreign Trade,Prague, 1988
First Certificate in English (FCE), British Council, 2001
Other language skills: German, Russian
For more see
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SC12 - Reverberation Chamber for Characterizing Antennas and Mobile Terminals under Rayleigh Fading: Efficiency, TRP, TIS, AFS, Diversity, MIMO, UWB.
Professor Per-Simon Kildal, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Ochil Room 1
09:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 18:00: Free access to succeeding workshop for reverberation chamber users
The reverberation chamber has for many years found application in the EMC area. The last seven years we have shown that it with great advantage can be used also for antenna measurements as it emulates effectively an isotropic multi-path propagation environment. The course will give the basic theory of reverberation chambers, and show how the chamber can be used to measure radiation efficiency, free space radiation impedance, and diversity gain of antennas; total radiated power and receiver sensitivity of mobile phones and other wireless or mobile terminals (GSM, CDMA, DECT, Bluetooth, UMTS); and channel capacity of MIMO antenna systems. The chamber is the only known equipment for direct measurement of diversity gain and channel capacity; the alternative being to drive measurement instruments around in an actual urban environment. A major advantage with this new measurement method is that the measurements fast and easily can be performed when the antenna or phone is located in different talk positions relative to a head phantom or other environments. Special emphasis will be directed towards fast and accurate measurements of static and dynamic receiver sensitivities, known as Total Isotropic Sensitivity (TIS) and Average Fading Sensitivity (AFS), respectively. Reverberation chambers for EMC applications are normally very large, but we will show that for measurements at 900 MHz and above it is possible to use a small chamber that can pass through an 80 cm wide door.
The course is based on recent both published and unpublished material related to extensive measurements in both large and small reverberation chambers.
The reverberation chambers with antenna measurement procedures have been commercialized by the company Bluetest AB (