View the EuCAP 2007 programme Overview >
EuCAP 2007 Programme Overview
EuCAP 2007 Full Programme
Key to Session and Paper Numbering
Each Session is indicated by two letters and two digits, e.g. Tu2.1
Each paper has a programme number indicated by two letters and three digits, e.g. Tu2.1.5
Posters are indicated by PP = Propagation Poster, PA = Antenna Poster
The two letters represent the abbreviation of the week day in which the sessiontakes place:
Mo = Monday, Tu = Tuesday, We = Wednesday, Th = Thursday, Fr = Friday
The first digit indicates the quarter of the day of the session:
1 = first session of the day, 2 = after the morning coffee break, 3 = after the lunch break, 4 = last session of the day
The second digit indicates in which room the session takes place:
Room 1 – Room 9 (P indicates Poster Area): 1 = Pentland Auditorium, 2 = Fintry Auditorium, 3 = Sidlaw Auditorium, 4 = Carrick Room, 5 = Harris Room, 6 = Ochil Room, 7 = Tinto Room, 8 = Moorfoot Room, 9 = Kilsyth Room