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The European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP)
13a Avenue de Tervueren, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
The Association named European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP) is an international Association with a scientific, educational and technical purpose.
The aim of the Association is to maintain and develop on a non-profit basis, the European activities created by the European Network of Excellence "ACE" with the following initial objectives:
- Organizing European Conferences, and, in particular the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, as well as European workshops and all associated events;
- Perpetuate the existence of the European Antenna VCE ( Virtual Centre of Excellence);
- Supporting European Schools and Master & PhD programmes on antennas and propagation;
- Circulating and exchanging information among European scientists and engineers on antennas and propagation;
- Networking and uniting antenna and propagation scientists and engineers in Europe;
- Providing a single voice for European scientists and engineers on antennas and propagation in and outside Europe;
- Promoting European research on antennas and propagation and attaining full recognition of Antennas and Propagation as a scientific R&D domain by the European Union;
- Organising co-operations with the non-European antenna and propagation community and its Societies and Institutes.
The Association is allowed to perform all actions directly or indirectly related to its objectives. It is particularly allowed to organize any form of cooperation between its members, symposia, seminars, study schemes, and to carry out and publish studies, magazines or books, etc.
The Institution of Engineering and Technology are proud to organise the Second European Conference on Antennas and Propagation on behalf of EurAAP.
Who we are:
The Institution of Engineering and Technology was formed by the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) and the Institution of Incorporated Engineers (IIE) and now has more than 150,000 members worldwide. It is the largest professional engineering society in Europe and the second largest of its type in the world.
It has offices in London, Beijing, Hong Kong, New Jersey and Bangalore.
The history of the Institution can be traced back to 1871 and information about this can be found in the Library and Archives.
What we do:
- represent the profession of electrical, electronic, manufacturing and systems engineering and related sciences.
- act as the voice of the profession in matters of public concern and assist Government to make the public aware of technological issues.
- set standards of qualifications for professional electrical, electronics, software, systems and manufacturing engineers.
- accredit degree courses in subjects relevant to electrical, electronic, manufacturing and information engineering at universities and colleges around the world.
- accredit professional development schemes for engineering graduates.
- awards scholarships, grants and prizes.
- issue regulations for the safe installation of electrical and electronic equipment and takes a leading part in the formulation of national and international standards.
- provide an extensive range of lectures, meetings, conferences, seminars, residential vacation schools and publications.
- set standards for the professional conduct of its members.
- offer guidance on best practice in professional development, and provide details of potential professional development activities.
- operate a computer-assisted information service, Inspec, which has the world's largest computerised database in the English language in physics, electrotechnology, computer science and control engineering .
- provide business and technical information on electrical, electronic, IT and manufacturing subjects.
For further information visit www.theiet.org
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